Monday, January 10, 2011

Narutofakku And Doujinshi

Fryderyk Biotteau, click to visit his gallery
The moon has promised to remain faithful to me
And watch over me like petting a shadow.
I sleep with him when my heart beats of the wing,
In his cloak of sky she buries my shadow.

The crumbs of my life cardboard airflow
To leave pecking by the bird of night. Under his
stellate sheets I feel lighter, my soul withered From
escape trouble. This cocoon

monochrome then raised my dreams
Those bitter eyes can not swallow, to devour me
Even like that I am cold,
They will not have the keys to my bubble cracked.

When morning wake up, to earn my bread, I sell these
smiles haggle joy
But looks do not tend to toe the hand
Without anything human to me a little more they crush me.

Then the sun goes off and the navel of the day picking up their egos
deep in the closed shutters, shimmering
In the evening I forget their disenchantment
To heal me of a dream outside the enclosure.

The black stump while those that are deemed suspicious,
I'm nobody to being not another.
is misery in front that I regained my couch,
I can not count sheep when wallow.

My inspiration for this poem is the novel "Where I am, I see the moon" Maud Lethielleux published by Stock


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